Monica Giambitto
Co-Host of Expanding Beyond
Italian living in Germany. Dev at ❤️. I'm actually an Engineering Manager, currently at Freeletics. I do Ruby and Rails since 2011. once a Rubyst, always a Rubyst.
strong believer in agile, people empowerment, and growth mindset practitioner.
proud MC of Euruko in 2016, Ruby on Ice, BalkanRuby in 2018, Italian Ruby Day.
Monica Giambitto has hosted 60 Episodes.
Episode 12: Let's Talk About Estimations
25 November 2020 | 31 mins 45 secs
Monica and Urban discussion estimations, the dangers around them, and how to do them right ... if you really have to.
Episode 11: WTF is quark‽
11 November 2020 | 39 mins 47 secs
In this episode we discuss mobile testing (again), pair managing, and online conferences.
Episode 10: I just like tests so much
28 October 2020 | 34 mins 35 secs
Monica and Urban discuss testing JavaScript apps (especially those that have never been tested before) and moving to a more stable server setup.
Episode 9: You don't want ortogonal vectors
30 September 2020 | 33 mins 38 secs
We discuss project planning and company wide alignment.
Episode 8: I understand your CTO
16 September 2020 | 35 mins 12 secs
We discuss how to handle outages and how to measure productivity for managers.
Episode 7: We are young in our minds
2 September 2020 | 33 mins 2 secs
We discussing hiring and how we define seniority in the field and getting there.
Episode 6: Writing Is Not Easy
19 August 2020 | 36 mins 16 secs
We discuss testing react apps, an overflowing (but groomed) backlog, iOS development, weekly reviews. Monica also discovers that writing is hard. 😱
Episode 5: Monkey See, Monkey Do
5 August 2020 | 36 mins 9 secs
Monica and Urban discuss meta programming Ruby, being a good manager and TDD.
Episode 4: Let's Build A Bridge And See If It Holds
17 July 2020 | 36 mins 33 secs
Monica and Urban discuss the differences (or lack thereof) between "real" and software engineering, the bus factor, and being kind to your users.
Episode 3: Self-Organising Teams and Strategic Planning
22 June 2020 | 32 mins 21 secs
In this episode Urban talks about his team and the challenges of working in a self-organising team and Monica discusses her experiences with strategic planning.
Episode 2: Of Course I Have An Opinion On That
7 June 2020 | 35 mins 15 secs
In this episode Monica and Urban discuss Genetic Programming and keeping notes and if it's useful to keep them or not.
Episode 1: The Unknown Is Ahead To Boldly Go
19 May 2020 | 13 mins 31 secs
Monica and Urban introduce the podcast and themselves.